Weekly Library Haul
By: Pearl

This week’s book haul from the library included 15 books! I almost could not fit all of them into my backpack. The ones that I am excited about are A Twisted Tale Anthology. I enjoy reading changed fairy tales. 100 Places to see after you die by Ken Jennings. A travel guide to 100 versions of the afterlife. Most Delicious Poison: the story of nature’s toxins- from spices to vices by Noah Whiteman. I find the ways that nature protects itself so interesting. Eat, Pop, Die: How animals make our world by Joe Roman. The Ruined by Renee Ahieh. I got this one mostly because of the cover. It has a pretty metal butterfly that is wire worked with dark blue and lighter blue and dark purple or black next is reddish pink. I try not to judge a book by its cover, but I really like this one. I have a good week’s worth of books. I will enjoy reading each and every book. Reading Time!!!