Why be kind?
By: Rachel

Some people are like ducks. Thoughtless words, rude comments, sinister whispers all splash easily off their backs.
If some people are ducks, I’m a sponge. I soak in everything that people say to me and use it as a mirror. I don’t want to, and it just happens.
How does this happen?
I’ll give you a sneak peak into my brain.
Currently there’s a person who’s being deliberately unkind to me.
Person: *Cruel comment.*
My brain: How could this person say that!?
My PTSD: Okay brain, time to start shutting down. We’ve had this happen in the past, and we don’t want to hear what’s coming next. Let’s stop thinking with logic or clarity and just get out of this situation ASAP.
My Borderline: This person is treating me like crap. How dare they! Okay Adrenaline, let’s get really disregulated so that we’re dealing with these negative emotions for hours–or if we’re lucky, days! That way we can prove how horrible it was.
My Depression: Everything is probably my fault anyway. I’m a failure. No wonder people treat me this way. I deserve it.
My Anxiety and Panic Attacks: Oh dear, what if we see this person next time we go to that place?! What if this happens again? If this person said *cruel comment,* think what else could happen. It could be way worse next time. Lungs, you better stop working effectively and start hyperventilating. That way, we’ll keep the body alert for danger.
My OCD: What was it that the person said? Now I can’t remember. What was that? I’m never going to remember. But I have to remember in order for Brain to process it–oh that’s right. Brain shut down so we’ll never know what was said.
This is why I try to make everyone’s day better who I come into contact with. That’s my goal in life. I can’t give much because of my health, but I can try to make the world a better place for whomever I’m with.
You never know how your words will affect someone.