D23 (Disney) Expo

By: Amy

D23 (Disney) Expo

On Saturday, I went to D23 Expo, which is like a big convention for Disney fans. I dressed like a Dapper Dan. On Friday night, I got there around 11 p.m. with my cousin, my sister, and my mom. We slept on a cold, concrete floor – it was freezing! But, it was worth it, because Saturday morning, we got into the Live Action Movie Panel. Some of the guests I saw were: Robert Downey, Jr. (Ironman/Tony Stark), Mark Ruffalo (The Hulk), Benedict Cumberbatch (Dr. Strange), Chris Hemsworth (Thor), Tom Holland (Spiderman), Daisy Ridley (Rey – Star Wars), and Oprah Winfrey! It was amazing. I cried a little when Benedict Cumberbatch came out because he is one of my favorite actors and I was so excited. After the panel, I liked going around to different booths and seeing what’s new in the world of Disney. At lunchtime, some camera people came and interviewed me. They liked my costume and asked me to sing like a Dapper Dan – so I did! If you ever have the chance to go to D23, you should go (but bring a blanket if you are going to sleep over)!


  1. pearls2017 July 23, 2017 at 4:49 am - Reply

    Hi Amy! My name is Josh and I am from UC Irvine’s Master of Arts in Teaching program. A part of our training is learning how we can be better teachers for students who need just a little extra help along the way in their education. My partner Ryan and I chose XP/TTD complex as our research project, and we have learned so much from our research and your blog posts. You seem like a truly wonderful person! As part of the project, we have a few questions for you, if you don’t mind answering them.

    What’s your favorite and least favorite thing about high school?

    Who was your favorite teacher and why?

    What do you want to do after you are done with school? Any ideas for a career path?

    If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

    If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

    Have a great summer vacation Amy!

    – Josh & Ryan

    • amyh July 25, 2017 at 4:55 pm - Reply

      Hi Josh and Ryan!

      Thank you for reading my blog. Here are my answers.

      1. I usually took art class in high school, so I think that was my favorite subject. I liked it because I could express myself without anybody’s help. Math is my least favorite. I got the answers but it took a lot to get there.

      2. My favorite teacher was Mrs. Smith in middle school. She found ways to make math easier. She treated all the kids in her class like they were smart.

      3. I want to be a geologist or starving artist (one of those people who does art just for the fun of it!).

      4. One thing I would change: Nerves. I don’t like being nervous when I want to do something. I’d like to be more confident.

      5. If I could live anywhere in the world I would live either in France or in the pages of a story book.

      Thank you for your questions! Here is my advice for becoming a teacher: Always try to believe in your students and let them go at their own pace.


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