
By: Amy


One of my favorite things to do is watch college football; mostly the Sun Devils from Arizona State University. I like to cheer them on. I know a lot of the player’s names, and I have some favorites. One of my favorites is Tashon Smallwood, #90 (on the left in the photo). He plays defense. I like when he sacks the quarterback! I met him once. I really liked his earrings, so I got my ears pierced. Not many people can say they got their ears pierced because of a football player! My very favorite play is a “pick-6,” where the defense intercepts the ball and gets a touchdown. One thing that’s funny at my house is when our team gets a touchdown, we sing the fight song and everyone gets a high-five, even my dog. I think football is a good sport to watch because it is exciting. GO DEVILS!

Photo (players l-r): Tashon Smallwood, Marcus Hardison, Mo Latu

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