July 4th Weekend
By: Victoria
If you know me you would know that I am not a “camping girl.” Don’t
get me wrong, I love being outside and doing activities and trying new
things outside. But I am not a fan of bugs,
nor sleeping outside.
That being said, my friends I know from high school all went camping
for July 4th weekend. We slept in a wood cabin, which only had wooden
frame bunk beds in it, nothing else. We roughed it for the weekend and
went white water rafting. If matters couldn’t get worse, the dam was
closed and there were no rapids!! Go figure!
Anyway, my friends and I made the best of it and it ended up being a
fun weekend/ Although I am not sure you can now call me a camper, nor
will I be booking my next camping trip but I can say I did it & thats
enough for me!