My Own Family

My Own Family

So many things have happened over the past 2 years. I met the love of my life, I moved in with my boyfriend (the love of my life I mentioned), adopted a puppy (my first dog ever), worked my butt off, found new interests, took many vacations, and learned more about myself.

Having something like Marfan Syndrome you can sometimes get nervous and uncomfortable about dating, I know I was! When is too soon to tell someone you have a condition that affects our life and what will they think or say and will it affect your future relationship. These are all things I struggled with for years and I at 25 years old I met someone who loves me for me, Marfan Syndrome and all.

Meeting Jerrad was one of the best things that ever happened to me and he is there to support me with all of my medical ailments and everyday ailments (just from being a 20-something woman!) We moved in together a year ago and one year ago adopted a puppy, Coby. He is a mixed breed, he has crazy energy and I love him to death. The three of us live together as our own little family and it is amazing and has changed my life for the better.

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