My Summer
By: Victoria

Since today is the first day it officially feels like fall, it’s only appropriate to sum up my summer in a post. I am EXTREMELY sad to see the summer end: one reason being I absolutely love the summer and the warm weather, and another is even though I did a lot of things there are TONS of things I didn’t have time to do that I wanted to do. I guess there is always next summer!
This summer I: Went to Las Vegas with 5 of my girlfriends from college, whom I live with my senior year in a house off-campus, I went to America’s Got Talent to see a live show (something I am lucky enough to go quite often), I attended the US Open, I visited St. Mary’s hospital for Children in Bayside, Queens (since I am co-producing Nick Cannon Rocks Times Square for the hospital), I went to the beach a couple times, had numerous BBQ’s, visited the boardwalk once or twice, went to a few parties, went to a shooting range, met some new people, and worked WAY too much.
There are plenty of things I am forgetting but I am sad to see the summer go, but I am ready for what fall has in store!
A preview of my fall??
Mid-October the concert I am producing will be live!
Mid-October I will be visiting LA for the 1st time! (and I work in the entertainment industry and I have never been!)
Apple Picking & tons of fall festivities
I can’t wait to see what else I will be doing this year. I don’t let anything stop me or slow me down. I try to take care of myself, keep up on my doctors and health to the best of my ability so that nothing can slow me down! There are certain things I cannot do because of my Marfan Syndrome but you better believe anything I can do I will do!!