XP and the Media

By: Amy

XP and the Media

Here are some phrases I have read in media articles regarding my rare disease. I would like to debunk these misconceptions.

If you are going to write a story about XP, my advice would be ask someone who has the disease for their viewpoint. Actually, ask more than one person, because we aren’t all the same. And please stop saying I am “suffering with” a rare disease. I am not suffering with it. I am living with it.


  1. Positive Exposure May 16, 2019 at 8:19 pm - Reply

    Great demystifying blog! Also, really appreciate

    “And please stop saying I am “suffering with” a rare disease. I am not suffering with it. I am living with it.” Brava!!!!!!!!!

  2. amyh May 16, 2019 at 9:25 pm - Reply

    Thank you! And thank you for reading my blog!

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