Alexandra's PEARLS Posts

  • April 12, 2015

    Today, I have my first dress rehearsal for Willy Wonka Junior.  We will have some of the set, we’ll use [...]

  • April 5, 2015

    I’m so excited about next season of community theater.  There are two community theaters in the area and they have quite [...]

  • April 4, 2015

    Hello. How are you? I just told you about how nervous I was about the variety show. Well, there actually [...]

  • April 2, 2015

    Hello. How are you?  I’m fine, that is, but extremely nervous.  I have a performance for a variety (talent) show at my [...]

  • March 27, 2015

    On March 14th (pi day) my baby sister, Halina celebrated her first birthday with a party.  It was a lot [...]

  • February 25, 2015

    Two days ago my family got a second rabbit, I was ecstatic.  I had been asking for a another rabbit for [...]

  • February 16, 2015

    Dear Alexandra Hello!  Our names are Jimmy I’m (16 years old) and Tyreek I’m (15 Years Old).  You sound like [...]

  • February 13, 2015

    “ Alright now…, just let go.  You have the front of her and I have the back.  Could you try [...]

  • February 12, 2015

    Hello. I’m very sorry that I haven’t written in a while.  In the whole month of December my family was [...]

  • December 14, 2014

    "Oh, what is she into now?"  You hear that a lot around my house.  My baby sister, Halina, moves, talks [...]

  • December 14, 2014

    My mother has a problem with Tupperware.  I realized that when I was organizing our Tupperware cabinet (it was a [...]

  • November 18, 2014

    Hello. How are you? Opening night for OLIVER! is Friday November 21st, 2014!  I am really excited but also really [...]

  • November 10, 2014

    Oliver! begins soon.  I'm freaking out.  I now have two costumes, a raggish one in Consider Yourself and a fancy one in Who [...]

  • November 9, 2014

    Today I went to see a movie, Big Hero 6, it was really good. I went with my mom and [...]

  • November 8, 2014

    Fun in the Sun Every Summer me and my family go to StoryLand with some friends in Glen, NH. There [...]